Thursday, May 22, 2008

bad mom

So, I gave up on getting a cell phone cuz my head hurt, and I was gonna quit my job. But now I'm thinking I'll just stay at my job, and get a cell phone instead.

I had a bad mommy moment that really upset me today. My child got out of school early for parent teacher conferences, and I forgot. The school tried to call when I never showed up, but I was out driving everyone in my family to school and back and was never home. LUCKILY, they reached Kathy who picked her up and took her to eggee's and then to the park (sorry about the pint, dude!) After trying to pick up my kid from school (who obviously was not there,) I had to drive home, which is pretty far, to call Kathy. Then I had to drive back across town to pick up my kid. Again, I am SO lucky! My kid is happy and at the park playing with her friend. She seems to be completly uneffected by the fact that her "bad mommy" forgot to pick her up from school.

All of this could have been prevented, if first of all I remembered, but then second if the school could have reached me.

Of course, this whole "cell phone" thing stems off of our car breaking down in the middle of the desert on our way back from Cali.

Boy that SUCKED!!

Sept 20, 2006

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