These are picture from Tenancingo where our friends betts, Carlos, and their son Danilo live. One of the GREAT things about Mexico is their amazing bus service! Very cheap, very clean, and buses run about every 20 minutes to this little town. The down part is you are forced to watch whatever movie they decide to play. In our case, it almost cost us missing our stop. Stupid Sandra Bullocks and her lovey-dovey movies!
Tenancingo is beautiful, lush and green. Teagan actually said "Yep, I could live here."
Whoa!!! This from the girl that hates D.F. She is definitely a country girl at heart.
Here are the girl in front of betts' blackberry batch:
Betts and Carlos made us yummy blackberry aguas with these berries! Then we baked an apple pie with her apples. It was heavenly.
A couple pictures of the girls at the house, and of them loving the neighbor's dog Scrappy. He's pretty much adopted the house and the girls, as you can see why.
Also a nice hike in their neighborhood. Hiking up to some ponds that their dogs love to swim in.
And this was only our first day here!
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