Thursday, February 26, 2009

my so-called life.

I swear I didn't just sit on the computer all day blogging, looking at etsy, and lurking on facebook. I really do have a life. I do, I do!

Okay, I did skip my pottery class. For no good reason, I just didn't feel like going.
Instead I sat on my rump ordering Amy Butler fabric (which I never actually bought.)
Then I blogged some.
Then I tried calling Jen (hint, hint...)
Then I lurked on facebook.

But later I got my rear-in-gear and had a productive day.

I went to Stephanie's and we lurk on etsy.
PLUS, I brought my sewing machine over and actually sewed something.
We both made purses. Neither are finished, but so far so good.

Here's Stephanie bag:
(She even made her own handles!)

Here's my bag:

Steph and I thought we were SO F'in clever when we thought about what was going to be on our next bag.
But we looked it up on etsy, and apparently we aren't as smart as we think we are:
Look this one is even a shrinky dink!


So after Steph's I even went to library and then came home and planted a cactus garden.
I do have a life, I really do!

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