Saturday, January 10, 2009

Etsy mishap

I have a problem.
Okay I have several problems, really.
But this particular problem is what we are delving into today.
This problem involves never reading directions.
I can never follow a recipe exactly.
I have a hard time putting together the complicated toys, and I leave all wiring and computer issues to my husband. He is the opposite of me. He'll be online fer days looking up directions and rereading them before trying to do a project. Not me! I have to just do it and figure it out for myself.

I guess this is because I'm an active learner. I can only learn by doing.
I can read the same paragraph over and over, but I won't figure it out until I do it for myself.

This is my rationale for my Etsy mishap, and I'm sticking to it!
Because I didn't read the etsy listing all the way through.
I reacted and I bought.

Here is what I did.
I thought I was buying a really cool scarf at a bargain price.
Really, why would this scarf be only $5 and there is no shipping?

Hmm.... maybe because I just bought the pattern and not the actual scarf?
Now I'm trying to teach myself how to crochet ala youtube and kids books (because I can't follow the directions of grown-up books.)

Anyway, I'm sticking to my guns here, and I think this mishap was solely because I'm an active learner. Now I've actively learned to read postings carefully before purchasing them.
So if'n anyone out there knows how to crochet?


Rebecca @ Mom-a-Tron said...

Kathy taught me to single and double crochet today. YAY!

Unknown said...

Hey Anna, Happy late birthday! I love yr kitty pillow btw--and it'd be well worth it to learn to crochet in order to make the fried egg scarf, that's pretty hot!

I can only half assed crochet, that and knitting I do half assedly, mostly as a excuse to only make scarves!
