I bought nice semi-matching quilts thanks to my $10 off coupon from Burlington Coat Factory. Okay, that's a joke.
I was lured into the store, because of the coupon. The quilts were $30 each, so really the $10 off was just a lame excuse to buy them. But aren't they puuuurty?!!
My rational was thus:
1. Make the kids room and beds presentable for whoever will be staying at our house this summer.
2. Encourage my children to want to clean there room, by giving them an incentive.
3. Encourage my children to sleep in their own beds my making them all pretty-like.
So, here is the result:
Yes, I think the beds do look at lot nicer.
Yes, the kids did clean up a little, but you can hardly tell. They also "decorated" their beds, meaning even MORE junk!
YES, they actually slept in their owns beds last night!!!! WOOT!!!
I am feeling quite justified in my cutesy quilt purchased.
(Plus it also justifies my earlier bamboo sheet purchase :)
Today I furthered my splurging binge by buying one of those baby rail guards, because the top bunk doesn't have any railing. I'm sure all of us grew up without railing on the top bunk, but we also started on the bottom and learned through trial and error not to fall off. But my soft children have not have this important learning curve in their lives.
I am really paranoid that my 10 year old will roll right off.
To justify that the rail was not a "baby" rail, I made a cover for it and cut the "First Years" tag off. Teagan picked out the fabric. Now she can sleep safely without plummeting to her death in the middle of the night.
If you can't tell it's chicken fabric.

She can sleep.
I can sleep.
And if I want too, I can now turn over and sleep on my side. Or my back?? Or my other side???
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