First, a piano was rolled into class.
Since Holladay is a performing arts magnet school, this is actually quite an easy thing to do. There are several pianos in the hallway that can just be rolled into a classroom. One of my favorite things at Holladay is seeing kids just sit down and start playing. Just because the pianos are there.
After the piano arrived, kids moved their groups of tables over in preparation of their two special guests. A pianist/cornet player and another puppeteer.
In Wagner's class, as a reward for good behavior, every Friday children are allowed to do their own puppet show. Eric Wagner is a puppeteer. He is also the coolest teacher ever.
Today was special, because the class got to see professionals. Very serious professionals that strive to teach these children life lessons through the fine art of shadow puppets.
Or something like that...?
Afterward, Wagner's class got to participate in a taste test for TUSD's new cafeteria items: Beef Flautas and Turkey Wraps.
It must have been hard to taste food after all the donuts they just ate from having two classmate's celebrate their birthdays that day?
Then to top off their extremely rough day. Kids were forced to play on the playground the rest of the day... with each other!
You can just see the torment in their faces.

Apparently, Mr. Wagner's class were not the only class having fun that day.
As I walked past Mrs. Stembridge's classroom, I saw all three 3rd grade classes in there in a break dance circle. And I believe I saw Stembridge and Redman dancing. I'm sure if Redman wasn't 8 months pregnant she would have been in the middle doing a head spin.
Wow, Holladay rocks!
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